You Have a Limited Supply

You as a business owner are a creative who dreams, creates, and sees the possibilities.

You went into business as a sole entrepreneur because you knew you could make a difference. You’re passionate to help people find their utmost dreams.

You could be a business or life coach, a social media maven or tech guru with the latest time-saving app.

But reality set in after 12 months on this hard road. Maybe it has set in even earlier like at 6 months.

You even hired a business coach who has given you a blueprint to success.

Now you have become exhausted, weary, overwhelmed, so tired to make one-more-decision because not only are you producing products, creating programs, or coaching people, you are often handling the day-to-day details of your business. (your email list,  customer service questions, follow-up phone calls, updating your website, or even setting up your membership program – page by page). 

Realistically you only have so much time in a day and you know…you know that tasks ALWAYS take longer than you expected.


You have less energy for your business and you definitely have less time.

And let’s face it. Details just aren’t your thing.

You’d rather be up on stage or talking one-on-one with your next potential client. Your high is coaching a client through a mental block; not chasing after a client who’s credit card payment failed.

Potential clients are slipping through the cracks. No follow up.

Quit doing what you’re not good at and leave it to the person whose expertise is details and who thrives on organizing, follow up and resourcefulness.

A Virtual Assistant can create your marketing funnel, manage your affiliate program, update your event app, and so much more. She’s just as passionate to help your business succeed as you are. The right VA can be a valuable team member to your business because they thrive on the details, are constantly learning, and are useful problem solvers.

Working with a dedicated VA as your admin support gives you more time each day.

More time.

A professional VA also brings along her experience working with various clients that can provide relief for you and your business. She can offer her suggestions and provide business advice along the way.

Free yourself up by hiring a VA so you can do what you are meant to do.

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