
Dear hubby and I visited Seattle for my birthday this weekend. We stayed at a beautiful B&B mansion: pictures will be forthcoming. We traipsed around Pike Place Market and trudged up and down the hills of downtown. The idyllic gardens were picturesque this time of year, too.

Now with all this perfection, you would think that I loved every minute of it. I didn’t. It was a stretch for me because traveling seems more work than it’s worth. But I had a battle plan in my head that I would look at this as an adventure. I’d have a “sure, let’s do it” answer for my hubby. I want to be that dynamic woman who can venture off into the wilds of insane streets and mass amounts of people. (Originally from Los Angeles, I still had to tell myself to keep breathing a few times when we waited with a horde of people to cross the street.) Don’t these people have homes to go to?

I want to raise children with an attitude that they can do anything they want to do. I want them to be adventuresome and curious and not scared to try.  As a parent, giving them the tools to savor and relish moments in their lives is my job. So I better practice it myself.

Photo courtesy of Dear Hubby!

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