What are my options for today? and book giveaway
It’s just one of those days today. Do you know what I mean? My inbox has been rather quiet. I have some assignments to work on but my deadlines are next month. Everybody else’s blogs look amazing. Other moms seem to be very poetic with their words. Their walk with Jesus seems more real than […]
Here’s My New Website
In the business world, an unveiling of any product should be when the product is complete. It should have all the glitches solved and there shouldn’t be any safety issues. Well, I’m not in the business world. I’m in my motherhood world of messy situations, half-baked stuff and too many dust bunnies. So…with that introduction, […]

Falling Apart Some Days?
As I sat in the hospital waiting room, my mind swirled with questions like: will she be able to hear again? Does she have to wear hearing aids forever? What will we do for pain? How are the other kids doing at home? How should I plan the rest of my week? etc. etc. I […]

Learning To Have Fun?
A dear friend suggested to me yesterday that I should think about blogging for fun. I was blogging for fun… until I actually thought about it. For fun would be “just doing it”…Not worrying about what people thought…Not looking at my stats…etc. Not obsessing over the fact that I don’t any comments… Ouch. Maybe I […]

I’m Back
I know I shouldn’t be writing this when I’ve had too much coffee but I’m back home. I’m currently enrolled in a blogging class and I’m so excited to start back blogging. In the past months when I’ve been gone, I’ve read hundreds of blog posts and have come to see one of the things […]
Growing An Oak
Are you concerned about one of your kids? Sometimes I worry about a certain character trait in one of my kids or a behavior issue in another. Recently I was reminded about the farmer and his level of patience he needs to produce a crop. He doesn’t grow anything overnight and what he does grow […]
Why Sheepies?
When I started the blog, I purposely didn’t write about my faith because as I shared before, it’s going through a metamorphosis. For a while it was easy to sit back and rely on the verses I knew and rely on my small theology but I felt like a fake. I’m so worried about doing […]
Just Perfect
On a rainy day in the NW, what could be better than sitting on the couch with sleeping youngest child, oldest playing awful video games in room next door, one off to work, music in middle child’s room, and the other one…well I don’t know where that child is. And with no goal in mind […]

Dear hubby and I visited Seattle for my birthday this weekend. We stayed at a beautiful B&B mansion: pictures will be forthcoming. We traipsed around Pike Place Market and trudged up and down the hills of downtown. The idyllic gardens were picturesque this time of year, too. Now with all this perfection, you would think […]