5 Lessons I’ve Learned From My Weight Watchers Leader
It’s intriguing how simple lessons you learn from one area in your life you can carry into other areas. Here are some lessons I’ve learned from my Weight Watcher leader that I can use in my writing but you can use these great tips in your parenting life, too. 1. Show up I know my […]

Are You Stumbling Along?
So how is your summer going? Mine has been rather unproductive because there is no such thing as a schedule in the summer. I remember when my kids would wake up before me. Now I’m lucky if they’re up at 11 AM. And my two big ones have different hours every day at their jobs. […]

Set the Timer and Begin
Have you ever needed to get something done and you just can’t start? Maybe it’s a bill you have to pay or a pile you need to sort through? Or it’s a blog post you can’t seem to write? It’s the whole fear thing going on in your head or “I don’t want to face […]

I’m Not a Fun Mom
Okay, I admit it, “I’m not a fun mom.” I think of a fun mom as the mom who takes their kids out to the park or to the beach and plays with them. Some of it was because with having five kids, I expected them to play with each other which they did. I […]

Guest Post: Try Again
I’m thrilled to introduce Jenni Crain as my guest on IMP3RfeCt Mom. She’s another one of the accomplished writers in my online writer’s group. I think you’ll love her post. My daughter has a sticker chart on the fridge that says, in her seven-year-old mix of capital and lower-case letters, “I was nice in the […]

Have you ever felt judged by someone else? Of course, you have. We all have. But what about it bugged you? What did you feel inside? Do we let people judge us or is it our own insecurity showing? Do you get angry about it? Or sad and disappointed? I don’t have this figured out […]

Reluctant Entertainer? Put Away the Image & Book Giveaway
Today I’d like to welcome Sandy Coughlin to Imp3rfect Mom. With her permission, I have reposted one of her blog posts from Reluctant Entertainer about image and not entertaining: What is it about human nature that we long to be loved and admired for what we do? After reading this comment I was challenged to […]

Sharing Some of My Recent Risks: Christmas Tea
Tonight I have tried to write four different posts, and they all didn’t work. It’s getting late and I need to get something up for Wednesday’s post. So I’m going to share my Christmas photos with you. This was a huge risk for me last December because I’m a perfectionist and was scared to invite […]

Guest Blogger Post – Liz Sheffield
During the month of May, I’m going to have guest bloggers on Thursdays. Please make a point to stop on by. Today I’d like to welcome a very special guest. Her name is Liz Sheffield, and she’s one of the writer mamas in my online writer’s group. Liz Sheffield lives with her husband and two […]

What I’ve Learned From Blogging So Far
I have been blogging for just about a year but have not been consistent by any means. My first love is writing parenting articles for regional parenting magazines. (See sidebar) As an older mom, it’s fun to come up with ideas to write about to help younger moms streamline their life, provide resources for them […]