Fearless Friend Brings Tea to the Party
My dear friend, Pat has tea parties at her house once a month or so. She prepares simple dishes and always has a mixture of herbal or caffeinated teas on hand to serve her guests. Sometimes she only has her neighbor who stops in for twenty minutes or some parties consist of 20 chatty friends […]

A Simple Gathering With Great Friends
My party today was more than I expected in so many ways and here are a few pictures. Since I want to think further about today’s events, I’ll share tomorrow about my special day.

Tomorrow is the Big Day…
I suppose if you just found my blog, you’d think I’m talking about some huge event in my life. No… Tomorrow morning I’m going to have five women over for a light lunch and yummy dessert. They are safe, warm friends from church who are coming over just to hang out with for a few […]

Planning My Party is Underway
I’m late in getting my post up today because I’ve been pulling out my all my dishes and glasses and serving dishes to find what looks nice with what. I also had a consult today with my gifted designer – my dear neighbor – who charges me only a cup of tea and a few […]

7 Ways to be a Gracious Hostess
1. Don’t be tired when the actual party starts. Plan well so you have at least an hour to relax before the party. Unfortunately, I speak from experience that I was emotionally and physically tired right before the door bell rang. I don’t think I enjoyed my guests as much as I could have. 2. […]

Creating a Second Act in My Life
Today I’m taking a break from 31 Days of Fearless Entertaining because Second Act.com has asked the 40’s – 50’s age group bloggers who are creating a second act in their own life to share their stories. Often I bite my tongue and hold my breath as I watch my kids struggle, stumble and find […]

Parents Need to Eat Too book Giveaway
As a seasoned mom, I’m hard to impress. Period. And that is why I’m thrilled to tell you about Debbie Koenig’s new cookbook, Parents Need to Eat Too. It is thoughtful, packed with helpful information and she tells it like it is for new mamas. Her clever chapters are divided up in applicable ways including […]

Lessons in Humility: the hard way
The Lord seems to humble you when you’re least expecting it. Do you know what I mean? The other day I was “somewhere” and had to talk with this mom. She seems nice and helpful but her certain actions often irritate me. I think she can be abrasive. Now I know that folks are often […]

Guest Post: Picking Your Shots as a Mom
Picking Your Shots as a Mom: A Fresh Look at Fall Commitments By Jennifer Bingham Hull It’s the time of year when parents are sorting through sign-up forms and school calendars, figuring out how to do it all. But doing it all is not an option here this fall. A hip injury is forcing me […]