5 Easy Steps to Throwing Your Toddler a Great Party – Guest Post
Thanks to Jan Udlock for having me guest post on her blog for Word Count Blogathon 2012. By Estelle Sobel Erasmus Planning my now three-year-old toddler’s birthday party every year usually takes on all the stealth of a military mission. Cake ordered. Check. Dora topper for cake that birthday girl-to-be requested. Check again. Every day […]

Learning About Life Through Free Play : Guest Post
By Marijke Vroomen Durning Today I would like to introduce my guest blogger, Marijke Vroomen Durning. She is gathering stories about games we used to play as children. She invites people to visit her website to read other stories and to submit a memory of a game (or games) they played, perhaps discovering that these […]

Guest Post: Picking Your Shots as a Mom
Picking Your Shots as a Mom: A Fresh Look at Fall Commitments By Jennifer Bingham Hull It’s the time of year when parents are sorting through sign-up forms and school calendars, figuring out how to do it all. But doing it all is not an option here this fall. A hip injury is forcing me […]
Classic Authors on Motherhood and the Juggling Act, Part 2; Book Giveaway
If you missed yesterday’s post, here is Part 1. Stowe was devastated when her toddler son died of cholera, but later, she claimed that the loss helped her empathize with slave mothers whose children were auctioned off: “I wrote what I did because as a woman, as a mother, I was oppressed and broken-hearted with […]

Guest Post: Classic Authors on Motherhood and the Juggling Act
I am thrilled to have Nava Atlas, author of The Literary Ladies Guide to the Writing Life guest blog today. She has such valuable information that she will be back tomorrow with Part 2, and we’ll have a giveaway of her beautiful book tomorrow. When discussing the challenges faced by women authors of the past […]