And the winner is…
Nikki V.! You just won The I Love Trader Joes College Cookbook by Andrea Lynn. I’ll send your name and address to Andrea. Congratulations.
The I Love Trader Joe’s College Cookbook Giveaway
Today I’d like to welcome Andrea Lynn to Imp3rfect Mom. She has written a fun cookbook for college kids and/or anyone who loves Trader Joes. Here’s her interview: Why did you write the book? When you work in the cooking field as I do, so many people feel the need to bare their culinary souls, […]
And the winner is…
I had one of my daughters press the random org button because I had so many special people enter this contest. And the winner is Kate@Teaching What Is Good. Congratulations, Kate. J

How to Market and Sell Your eBook Review and Giveaway
If you’ve ever thought about writing an ebook, you need to check out Sarah Mae’s How to Market and Sell Your eBook. Sarah blogs over at Like a Warm Cup of Coffee and has written three ebooks. In this marketing ebook, Sarah shares about her second ebook, 31 Days to Clean which sold 11,000 copies […]

And the winner is…and other tidbits.
I’m pleased to announce the winner of Literary Ladies (see sidebar for link) is Liz Sheffield. And I’m also late in announcing the winner of the DaySpring $20 coupon is Anita Stinde. Congratulations! You will enjoy them! I also want to share that I’ve become an Amazon affiliate which means if you click on the […]
Classic Authors on Motherhood and the Juggling Act, Part 2; Book Giveaway
If you missed yesterday’s post, here is Part 1. Stowe was devastated when her toddler son died of cholera, but later, she claimed that the loss helped her empathize with slave mothers whose children were auctioned off: “I wrote what I did because as a woman, as a mother, I was oppressed and broken-hearted with […]

Guest Post: Classic Authors on Motherhood and the Juggling Act
I am thrilled to have Nava Atlas, author of The Literary Ladies Guide to the Writing Life guest blog today. She has such valuable information that she will be back tomorrow with Part 2, and we’ll have a giveaway of her beautiful book tomorrow. When discussing the challenges faced by women authors of the past […]

Bring Back the Art of Sending Cards
In our tech-drenched world, it’s so easy to become distant from our friends and even our own family. I often forward certain emails to my hubby’s email, just in case I forget to talk to him about some issue. That’s why we should bring back sending cards to each other. Doesn’t every mom love the […]

Reluctant Entertainer? Put Away the Image & Book Giveaway
Today I’d like to welcome Sandy Coughlin to Imp3rfect Mom. With her permission, I have reposted one of her blog posts from Reluctant Entertainer about image and not entertaining: What is it about human nature that we long to be loved and admired for what we do? After reading this comment I was challenged to […]
Great Mom Giveaway at Reluctant Entertainer
I love Sandy Coughlin’s book, Reluctant Entertainer. Actually I love her entire website. Yesterday she posted a fab giveaway and said that a reader could win two extra entries for the great gifts if you blogged about it. Yeah, great timing, Sandy. Thank you! I have her book which is not only a wonderful book […]