
Letting Go of Guilt

Okay, so let’s talk about guilt and your kids…Oh, do we have to? Yesterday we went to my middle daughter’s track meet. I dropped her off with a friend and ran an errand. When I got back to the school, my husband who came from work met me in the parking lot and told me […]

Portland Family Luncheon

Portland Family Luncheon

Yesterday, I attended a luncheon at Belly Restaurant with Portland Family magazine. PF invited small local business owners, writers, and PF readers to share their vision of who they are and where they want to go. More about the luncheon in future posts but just let me say the meeting made me proud to be […]

Feeling Old?

When I was younger, I thought old was 30. And now as I’m way beyond that, my viewpoint has changed. I’ve come to appreciate “more mature people” and their wisdom. When I’m driving behind an elderly person and my kids say “Get out of the way, geezer,” I ask them would they like it if […]

Tatoos and Such

I heard my 3 daughters outside giggling on the porch Sunday. You see, my oldest daughter came home Saturday from college and she brought home new ideas, more self-assurance and a ton of dirty laundry. My youngest daughter came in the house to proudly show me her newest acquisition. She had a beautiful henna tattoo […]

Laugh with Your Happy Friends

My sweet hubby announced that he had lost more weight. Did he say more? I tried to sound happy, smiled, and said, “That’s great honey!” And I grumbled in my head that I can’t seem to give up the hot fudge or the ice cream. My skirts are tighter and summer is a ‘coming. Why […]

Day 2

With all the fun times ahead, I expected some bumps. Yet, I hit one today with the fact I can’t seem to change an old blog of mine through WordPress. So if I comment on a new blog that’s part of WordPress, my comment goes to a screen that says “deleted blog” rather than linking […]

Word Count Blogathon

I get frustrated with my kids when they don’t tell me they have a question on their Math page. I open the workbook and see an empty spot where there should be some numbers, some equation…something. Yet, it’s blank. However, if I checked every day, then there would be less blank spots. Not that there […]