
Laugh with Your Happy Friends

My sweet hubby announced that he had lost more weight. Did he say more? I tried to sound happy, smiled, and said, “That’s great honey!” And I grumbled in my head that I can’t seem to give up the hot fudge or the ice cream. My skirts are tighter and summer is a ‘coming.

Why is it so hard sometimes to rejoice with others when they announce their good news? It’s easy to put on a smile but I want my heart to sing with others when they share their newest goal. I want to stand up and applaud.

When I’m feeling grumpy insecure, I need to go back and look at what is important in my life. My family and friends, my faith; all make my life richer. I want to be the encouraging friend and the cheerleader wife. Choose to laugh with them.

Don’t call me tonight, we’ll be out shopping for clothes and that’s okay.

Day 2

With all the fun times ahead, I expected some bumps. Yet, I hit one today with the fact I can’t seem to change an old blog of mine through WordPress. So if I comment on a new blog that’s part of WordPress, my comment goes to a screen that says “deleted blog” rather than linking to this blog.

Boring stuff to learn, but necessary steps. It’s kinda like life, raising kids, letting go of kids, and living day to day. Please stay with me as we trudge along.

Word Count Blogathon

I get frustrated with my kids when they don’t tell me they have a question on their Math page. I open the workbook and see an empty spot where there should be some numbers, some equation…something. Yet, it’s blank.

However, if I checked every day, then there would be less blank spots. Not that there are many. But there are one or two. Yet, how different am I when I’m not writing. How different am I when I don’t have someone checking on me and encouraging me to write?

And that’s why I joined Word Count Blogathon, where I am committed to blog every day for the month of May.

Welcome, and I’m glad you came by.

Cute George Fox Transfer Student

Transfer Students at George Fox from George Fox University on Vimeo.

Quiet, Part 2

When there is stillness, amazing things happen. All the nagging doubts come out because the noise that buried these annoying thoughts is gone. Quiet brings thoughts about what will happen in the future. What about the other person? Are they succeeding? Are they accomplishing or are they doing what they should be doing? Where are my eyes?

What should I be doing? Writing to encourage families, relationships, and life is my long term goal. I am not poetic like so many people, thinkers on the web. I am simple.

Yet, quiet is a magnifying glass that focuses me and my goals. It burns off dross in my life to keep me targeted.


Early success made me focus on me and my gifts. I want to focus on Him and His gifts. Quiet made me question my gifts and look at Him…