As our blogathon is wrapping up, I thought about some of our parties we’ve had when the kids were younger.
I was a bit of a bratty child – only girl – (had two brothers)
-only girl cousin and
-only granddaughter which I think resulted in me being a bit demanding.
Therefore I was determined to help my kids not be as covetous in general. So my dear hubby and I started off when our kids were very young with having one family over our house instead of the traditional birthday party with loads of kids and loads of presents.
We’d normally have dinner by potluck and our presents plus the gift from the family. It was always informal where the kids would play either inside or outside, we’d eat, open presents and then have dessert.
Those parties will always be precious to me for the memories they made because of our dear family friends. And I think the parties helped my kids stay a bit more grounded.
(Now they have birthday parties with peers but we still try to keep them rather low key.)
Do you have any tips on how to keep your kid’s birthday parties focused on fun and not presents?