What I’ve Learned From the 2011 Blogathon
Today is the last day of the 2011 Blogathon. I’ve blogged straight for 31 days and have learned a few things. My list is not in any particular order. I’ve learned that blogging every day is just plain hard work, and it’s not as glamorous as I made it my head. However, I give kudos […]
Tired? You Need to Take a Day of Rest
The older I’ve become, I realize the wisdom of the Sabbath. So today I’m off playing with my kids, reading, tromping around in my garden, napping puttering, and not thinking about my blog. I hope you are resting today, too.
Past Post: Dishes and Doors
Dear Oldest Son and Oldest Daughter, I just want you to know that when you left tonight to go back to college and I didn’t walk you out to the car, it’s my way of hiding. Hiding from strong emotions. I gave you a big hug and kiss, but went right back to washing the […]

Do You Ever Feel Not Needed?
Throughout this Blogathon month I’ve been busy creating posts, tweeting, checking my stats way too often, and not being as accessible to my family as much as I think I “should” be. Yet my kids are doing just fine. They are still completing homework, getting their chores done, and snuggling with their dad in the […]

Guest Post: Try Again
I’m thrilled to introduce Jenni Crain as my guest on IMP3RfeCt Mom. She’s another one of the accomplished writers in my online writer’s group. I think you’ll love her post. My daughter has a sticker chart on the fridge that says, in her seven-year-old mix of capital and lower-case letters, “I was nice in the […]

I Love Laundry
I love doing laundry. Now before you think that my house is immaculate, you’d be intimidated to come over my house and I dress in pearls. Not a chance. There is something about doing laundry that makes me feel productive. I collect the clothes, sort them in two piles and begin the process. Is it […]

My 5 Favorite Places to Write…
Today as one of the theme days on the Blogathon, we are to blog about the 5 favorite places where we love to write. 1. The living room couch Our living room couch is the hub of our home some days. It scoots up to a south-facing window, and I have homeschooled for 15 years […]

Equal Time For Each Kid?
One thing I’ve learned with having children is that it’s easy to give a certain child more attention than another one. You don’t mean to do it. You may give one of your kids more attention because he gets good grades, and it’s easy to praise him. You may give attention to a different child […]

How I Became Published & Resources
In the last 21 months, I’ve shared my passion with other moms who wanted to know how I became published in regional parenting publications. I realized that if I put it up on my blog, I can direct someone to my blog so they could read it, and I wouldn’t have to worry about forgetting […]