Getting Your Hands Dirty
Since today is the last day of the blogathon, I had plans to write about what I learned but instead wanted to share that I am content. Sunday I spent two hours gardening with my younger daughters and had a blast. When they were babies, I thought about gardening. I drooled over gardening magazines and […]
My Choice; Your Choice
The 2010 Blogathon is finishing up tomorrow, and it’s been a ride for me. Looking over my posts, I have found myself encouraging parents. I’m still testing the waters with the skill of being able to laugh at myself without being disparaging. Photography is a brand adventure for me too, because I found the truth […]

A Family Member Leaves…
Today a family member went to live at another home. We gave our 8 year old Arab to a young lady who is so excited to have her. My oldest daughter has outgrown Domini, and the younger children didn’t have a desire to ride her. Horses want to work and since they are herd animals, […]
Does it Get Easier?
When my kids were younger, I would have thoughts that when they got older, life would be easier. And now that they are older, it’s not easier, just different. Parenting adult children takes a lot of tongue biting and asking questions about what they think. When my children were younger, I could direct them more […]
A Silver Bullet
Parenting is hard…just plain hard sometimes. You try different methods of discipline. You ask your friends what do they do when… Sometimes, they give you a fabulous idea and as a dear friend calls it, they share their “silver bullet.” A silver bullet is an idea that works for them in the parenting scheme […]

The House is Still Standing.
I hate Christmas letters. People who you’ve lost touch with, send out these letters with all of their family’s accomplishments and the exotic places they have traveled to. I seem to be left with a feeling of “I’m boring.” One of the reasons why I have such a distaste for those types of letters is […]

Dear hubby and I visited Seattle for my birthday this weekend. We stayed at a beautiful B&B mansion: pictures will be forthcoming. We traipsed around Pike Place Market and trudged up and down the hills of downtown. The idyllic gardens were picturesque this time of year, too. Now with all this perfection, you would think […]
Blogging has given me an opportunity to voice my opinions. It helps me see my thoughts in black and white and makes my head a little lighter because I get the swirling thoughts out of my brain. And because of the comments, I feel like my thoughts are heard. As my children are getting […]
Love the colors and textures!Photo courtesy of Ray_chel (Creative Commons)