What Would I Tell My Younger Self?

1. Life is not a race.

Slow down. No one wins the prize if you get there first. And you’re sure not going to enjoy yourself if you’re running.

2. Accept your strengths and weaknesses.

In Romans 12: 4 “For just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function…” He’s talking about gifts and along with different gifts, we all have different abilities. Look at your gifts – what comes naturally for you? what do you think that you can do easily? There are reasons you have those gifts and you’re suppose to use them.

But at the same time, don’t apologize for the gifts that you do have. Sometimes people can say hurtful comments out of jealousy. And since I know that your tongue can react quicker than it should,  just smile and let it go. If it comes up again, think of a kind response to a less than generous statement.

3. God is big enough.

If you fail, you’re not letting God down. He’s not stressing over it. He’s big enough to handle it. And He’ll provide people to be there to pick you up. And He’ll use it later in your life to help encourage someone. Relax.

4. Remember His mercies are new every morning.

When you’re washing dishes and you worry about another fight with one of your children, take heart. When you feel like you have tried everything, and nothing is getting better, hold on. When you made a poor choice out of laziness and you’re regretting it, hang in there. There is a new day and life will look differently in the morning.

5. Be where you are today.

It’s so hard to look at other blogs, the net, and Twitter and not be in awe of other people. Stop the comparing and be where you are suppose to be. Be the apprentice in certain areas. Be the mentor to others . Be the Titus 2 woman when it’s time.


You are suppose to be right here. Today.

Photos: Sailboat by Ashley Balsam and Sunrise by Jody McNary Photography

8 responses to “What Would I Tell My Younger Self?”

  1. Annette Gendler

    Thanks, it’s always uplifting to read insights like this, especially on a regular office day.

  2. Tia

    So lovely, especially with the pictures. Thanks for sharing!!

  3. Peggy

    Great post. I need to tell myself these same things now, too. Number 4 rang true with me, because my parenting has not been so great the last week or so. Time to move on. I am where I am supposed to be. Your new blog looks great!

  4. Lisa @ Write, Pray, Love

    Wow, did I ever need to read THIS today. You have no idea. Thanks! 🙂

  5. Jackie Dishner

    This is nice. I just got my hair cut short, and had to cut my attitude short, too, when I said out loud, “I wish I’d cut it short BEFORE my Grand Canyon trip.” But then I realized, I might not have had so much fun wearing all those different hats. I might have felt I didn’t need to. So, yes, I like #5. Be Where You Are Today. It’s good to be reminded to do that.

  6. Julie

    #5 hit home with me. I needed that reminder, thanks!

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