
Definition: In physics, the property or tendency of a moving object to continue moving. Currently, I have none…Momentum, that is. Participating in the blogathon required me to write daily and to be honest, the prizes were an additional incentive. I blogged every day for 31 days. I can’t remember when I’ve been that diligent with something for a straight month unless you’re talking consuming hot fudge sundaes.

However, it’s over now and so is my momentum. So now, it’s going to take work to get the ball moving again. I find myself whining and complaining about writing. The lies in my head tell me it’s too hard. I’m mediocre. No one cares about what I want to share. But I need to get back on the wagon.

How do you get re-started? How do you jump start a project that is staring you in the face? Leave me some tips.
Photo courtesy of fdecomite (Creative Commons)

5 responses to “Momentum”

  1. Jan

    My sweet mom doesn't have an account so she told me to write on my blog comments – JUST DO IT!

    Thank you, mommy dearest! Love you loads!

  2. KristieSloan

    Just START! We often make things so much harder in our minds. We over-think and conjure up all kinds of obstacles and "reasons" to not get started.

    Your post really hit home with me. I have not added a single post in the last 8 days, since the end of the blogathon. We have so many things to add that will be in video. With the nature of the content, I feel like I have to really look my best to do any video. (Or as lovely as it's gonna get!) LOL However, I find that when I just get started, it's not as bad as I made it in my mind, and really doesn't take that long to finish!

    So between me and your own mom, just start, then just do it! 🙂

  3. Jan

    Thanks, Kristie. Need to stop whining! and start!

  4. Alexandra Grabbe

    I have been feeling the same way. Not only did the Blogathon provide momentum, it provided companionship. I have been blogging for the last ten days, but it feels much lonelier. This month I will have posted to my blog every day for a full year!!!

  5. Jan

    Yes, Alexandra! That's it! Now it feels lonely.

    Congrats! There should be some award for that! You have a beautiful blog, to boot!

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